Tax: n/a
Mileage: 30
Mileage: 2,102
Mileage: 2,184
Mileage: 3,000
Mileage: 5,376
Mileage: 6,500
Mileage: 15,000
Mileage: 20,000
Mileage: 26,135
Mileage: 28,000
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Today, a Ford Transit can be many quite separate things. Depending on the model range you prefer, select from either large or very large, compact or, as in this case, spaciously small. Welcome to the Transit Courier, here resigned in second generation form. Like its predecessor, which was introduced back in 2014, it's aimed at the urban delivery market and businesses whose cargo needs don't really justify a stretch to Ford's larger Focus hatch-derived 'Transit Connect' model. And it's built by the Blue Oval brand's Ford Otosan commercial vehicles division in Romania, where the EcoSport crossover used to be made. As before, as well as the Transit Courier panel van, there'll be a Tourneo Courier small MPV version of the same model. But this time round, combustion versions of both will also be joined by two full-electric models, the E-Transit Courier and the E-Tourneo Courier. Ford reckons that LCVs like the Transit Courier have traditionally under-performed in terms of their usability. In response, this MK2 Courier model has the potential for slightly greater carriage capacity and a significantly greater payload. The Blue Oval brand also believes that it brings to this segment traditional Transit toughness. So, a lot's being promised. Let's see what this van can deliver.
The segment for small city-shaped vans is, well, small. So this second generation Transit Courier didn't have to be as good as it is. In the metal though, it re-defines what an LCV of this kind should be like. Why? Because it offers almost as much space and payload as a compact van from the next class up. And will transport it all more economically, even if you don't go for the full-electric version. If you're an urban-based operator, it might all be enough to make the prospect of down-sizing your van a pleasant possibility. And if it isn't, your Ford sales person will move you quickly on to the Transit Connect, the next model up in the brand's LCV hierarchy. Many target buyers though, will find this Courier quite sufficient for their needs, swayed also perhaps by the engaging driving dynamics that come courtesy of the Puma-derived underpinnings. Which means that if you're looking for a more efficient and engaging choice for your fleet of small vans, opting for one of these could be a good Courier move.